


All the contents of the electronic shop, including the district titles, insignias/signs, pictures, graphics, photographs, text's etc. are the intellectual property of the COMPANY and are protected by the reveland legislation of the Greek court, European court and international contracts or third party intellectual property for wich the company has received a permit of use for its exclusive needs and for the operation of the e-shop. Any copying is  prohibited,transfer or creation of production or works based on its contents or the deception of the public relating to the actual presentation of the electronic shop. The reproduction, re edition, loading, announcing, exchange, or whatever other use of the contents in any way or means for commercial use or other purposes is premitted only through previous written concent of the COMPANY or whatever other owner of the intellectual rights. The names, images, logotypes and insignials wich set out and describe the electronic shop with the commercial sign Riaro.gr or the products of the service or the company or, third party are the property of the COMPANY or third part, protected by the relative laws regarding commercial signs. There use on the electronic shop does not give in any case the permission of use to third party.


The user/customer consents and agrees to use the services, information and data of the electronic shop, as the law foresses and based on the rules of good-trust and business ethics. They are obliged to not use the electronic shop with its commercial insignia www.riaro.gr  for 1. deliverence, publicising, sending by e-mail or transmission in other ways where the content is illegal for whatever reason, causes illegal insult or damage to the COMPANY or to whatever third party either breaching bthe trust or confidential information to any other person. 2. deliverance, publicising, sending by e-mail or  transmission in other ways where the content causes insult to the user’s ethics, social value, juvenlism etc. 3. Deliverance, publicizing, sending by email or transmission in other ways of content for which the users do not have the right of transmission by law or of the contract in force (such as inside information, information of ownership or in confidence that were obtained or discovered as part of a working relationship or which were covered by agreements of confidence) 4. Deliverance, sending by email or transmission in other ways where the content violates whatever patent, commercial insignia, commercial secret, royalties or other ownership rights of third parties of any type. 5. Deliverance, publicizing, sending by email or transmission in other ways of whatever material which contains viruses or whatever other codes, files or programmers which have been designed with the purpose of disrupting, causing damage, destruction to the operational equipment, software and hardware. 6.deliberate or non-international violation of the legislation in force or terms of law, 7 abuse of third party in any way, 8. Collecting and retaining personal details relating to other users.

LINKS TO THE www.riaro.gr

The links which are included in the e shop, lead to pages of the store or in some cases lead the  to switch from that (electronic store) to internet pages of third party supplier, business etc. These related sites are not controlled by the COMPANY and the COMPANY take absolutely no responsibility   for the content of any such internet site or link wich is included  in a related  internet site, or whatever change or information in such internet sites.

The COMPANY takes no responsibility for the broadcast on the internet for any form transmission that is received from any connected internet site. The COMPANY supplies those connections to the e-shop only to facilitate use of the electronic shop, or their mandatory use for the visitor /customer and the fact that they are included in the electronic store does not indicate that the COMPANY approves of or accepts their content.

The COMPANY created this website with the sole purpose of assisting the customer. The website www.riaro.gr is simple and the user – friendly although it has been designed to deal with the particular needs of each user. To achieve the best service, it is important for you, our customer to understand that you must supply us with specific information which concerns the dispatchment of your order and which are safeguarded by us. The processing of personal information is done in accordance with the legislation of the General Protection Order of Personal Information (ΓΚΠΔ 2016/679), existing specialized National and European legislation for prescribed fields, the Greek law as it stands at any time purely for the protection of confidential information ass well as well as purely  for the protection of confidential information and private life in the field of electronic communication (N.3471/2006, standing at any time) and the decisions of the Authority of Personal confidentiality ( ΑΠΔΠΧ). The company has been adapted to the GDPR provisions.

The present statement of Protection of Confidential information/data and the enclosed terms and conditions of use of the present website describe the method of selection of data from the website www.riaro.gr  , the use of data by us and the terms and conditions of use of the present website. The present statement of Protection of confidential data is mentioned exclusively and  in your personal data, which you supply us with during the placement of tour order on our website.

What is personal data?

Personal data is information which determine you directly or indirectly. Indirectly means in combination with other information, for instance, the name the postal address, the address of your email and your telephone number ,or a unique number recognizing your device.


The information  which has been given unintentionally by uses to website mentioned, are used  by the riaro.gr with the intention of users having direct and essential communication with the store, to provide them with answers to particular queries that may arise and lastly to process and carry out their orders. The information which selected riaro.gr through the website is used for the purpose of measuring the amounts of viewers, to determine the demands of the customers for more products and to facilitate the transactions with the company. The riaro.gr does not deliver to any other organization or colleague which is not connected to riaro.gr electronic address, or whatever other piece of information which concerns the users  and its customers, only with direct colleagues in the transaction.

Process of orders

The riaro.gr designed the website so that users could visit without needing to reveal their identity unless they desired. It is asked for our visitors to the website, to provide their personal data only in the case that they wish to order product, to sign up to our website and to send  emails to info@riao.gr

The use of information. The riaro.gr  designed the website so that users could visit without needing to reveal their identity unless they desired. It is asked for our visitors to the website to provide their personal data only in the case that they wish to order products, to sign up to our website and send emails to info@riaro.gr

The use of information. The riaro.gr collects four types of information in relation to the users. (1) Details that the user gives us during the subscription as a customer (2) Details that our user gives us  in order to carry out the order from the riaro.gr (3) Details that our users gives us in entries to competitions which are held during periods. (4) Details that the user gives us to activate the telephone service line and internet, (5) Details that the user gives us during his/her connection through other platforms (applications ios, anroid, Facebook, Google). During the completion of whatever order from in the website, it will ask you for you’re your full name and surname, the address, postal  code of your are, your electronic address, your phone, details of your credit card, and method of payment for your order. You may be asked for supplementation of more detailed information  such as details of dispatch ment – delivery of an order, details of invoicing or details relating to the offer you have asked for. The riaro.gr uses the information that you provide for us during the sending of the electronic form, with the intention of communicating with you relating to (i) the delivery of the product to your space (ii) for the confirmation and identification of the customer in every necessary instance (iii) for news or alternative products which are offered from the riaro.gr (iv) special offers of riaro.gr (v)the activation of the telephone or internet service (vi) the collection of a gift often a competition draw. You  have the ability to choose if you want or not to receive this kind of communication from the riaro.gr sending your application by e mail to the electronic address sales@riaro.gr

Access to the information. Every process of ordering needs the collection of personal details, for the delivery or holding/booking of an order. Also, the use of a credit card, for the charge supporting documentation of the details of the legal card-holder is needed in the first and only time and is secured in every case. Whatever documentation and document certifies and states the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential and is checked only by the proper authorities of RIARO. The production of the documents of personal details or/on your behalf meaning that you consent to the use of these details to be used by workers of riaro.gr for the above reasons. The riaro.gr  demands from its workers and website maintenance to provide its customers with the level of security that is mentioned in the enclosed statement of the protection of confidential information. In no other case riaro can share the personal details with others without firstly gaining your consent, unless it is demanded through a legal channel. Please take into consideration that under particular conditions which are allowed or imposed by law or based on court decision, or collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal details, which have been collected online without firstly being consented on your be half (for example in the case of a decision of court).

Use of personal details    

 We will use your personal details for the purpose of everything described above. We do not collect or process more or other types of personal details than is necessary to carryout the corresponding purpose. We will use personal details only in accordance with what is outlined in the present policy of confidentiality, unless you have granted the consent for another use of your personal details. If we aim to use your personal details which we process with your consent, we will inform you first and foremost, and in the event that the process proceed based on your consent, we will use your personal details for a different purpose only with your license.

The use of your personal details for the purpose of advertisement. For the on going improvement and boost of your services we may possibly send marketing  messages  through electronic mail related to our business, and which to receive at any moment, informing your preferences of electronic mail. You may also remove yourself at any time. The delivery of sms  on your phone number, which you have declared during your order, is done with the purpose of informing you about the development of your order. Through your account you have created on our website, you may choose if you wish to receive advertising/promotional/material through sms. Consent: we wont use your personal details for advertising purposes , unless you have given your expressed prior consent. In the mean time for existing customers, it is possible that we use the electronic mail we have received from you with marketing material related to similar products or services which you have previously asked for, used or perhaps are interested in. You can however oppose to this use during the time of collection and every time you send a message you receive through electronic mail for marketing purposes, using the instructions in the message you receive through electronic mail.

Legal cases and legal defense. It may possibly needed to use and keep personal details for legal purposes and reasons of compliance such as prevention, back up or research into a cr/mp, prevention of loss, fraud or whatever other abuse of our service and computer system, it may also be needed to use your personal details for demands due to inner and outer checks, security information purposes, or for the protection or execution of your rights, confidentiality, of security, of the property of oneself or other individuals.

Use of the initial page www.riaro.gr. The present policy of confidentiality also exists for the use of the website www.riaro.gr with thee following mechanisms and characterizes which apply of confidentiality.

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