


Personal data protection of the visitors and users of our website is really important for us and for this reason their use by us is harmonized with the relevant legislation. This privacy policy contains information on the use of the personal information you provide us, i.e., the way it is collected, stored, used and generally processed by our company under the corporate name "DERMA CHRONIARIS G.P.", with VAT Number 084126749, having its registered seat in Heraklion, Crete, at 53 Kalokerinou Street, 71201, tel. +2810 283364. The controller’s contact details are: Chroniaris Eleftherios, email: info@dermachroniaris.gr, tel: +30 2810 283364.

Personal data collection method and their type

The following types of personal information may be collected, stored and used:
Information on your computer, including IP address, geolocation, browser type and version, operating system.
Information on your visits and the use of our website including the link you accessed, the time of your visit, the pages you visited and the navigation paths.
Information you submit at your registration on our website such as your email
Information you submit when you create a profile on our website, e.g., your name, photos, gender, birthday, interests, details on education level, details on job.
Information you submit for the subscription to our emails and our newsletter.
Information related to how often and under what conditions you use our website.
Information related to your purchases, the services you use, including your name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card details.
Information you upload to our website having the intention of making it public on the internet.
Intended use of the data.
The above personal information you submit to us is used for the purposes specified in the privacy policy and the related pages of the website.

We may use your personal information for the following:

Running of the website and our business Personalising the website for you.
Dispatching the products, you buy from the website.
Providing services through the website.
Sending statements, supporting documents and payment of the sale price.
Sending the newsletter of our website in case you have subscribed (you may unsubscribe at any time).
Providing statistical information to third parties in relation to users.
Providing information and managing your complaints in relation to our website.
Ensuring website security and preventing fraud.
In case you provide us with personal information for disclosure on our website we may publish it in accordance with your consent.
Your privacy settings may be used to restrict the disclosure of your information on our website.
We shall not provide your personal information to any third party without your consent.
If you refuse to provide the information we request as mandatory, it will be impossible to achieve the main purpose of collecting this data, and, for example, it may be impossible for our company to fulfill the sale or provide other services that are available on our website.

Disclosure of personal information 

We may disclose your personal information to our employees, consultants, suppliers or subcontractors to serve the purposes of this privacy policy.

Retention of personal information

The personal information you provide us for the above purposes, is retained in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law and for the purposes they serve. In any case, we retain documents containing personal data, when required by law and when necessary, to protect our legitimate interests.

Security of personal information

Our website takes the expected steps to prevent the loss or alteration of your personal information (e.g., encryption).


We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy unilaterally. You should check this webpage occasionally to ensure that you are aware of any modifications. We may notify you of any changes to the privacy policy by emailing you.

Your rights

You have the right to access your personal data. This means that you have the right to be informed by us of whether we process your data.
You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data, upon your request to the email address: info@dermachroniaris.gr
You have the right to delete (right to be forgotten), so you may ask us to delete your data if it is no longer necessary for the above-mentioned processing purposes or you wish to revoke your consent, in case this is the only legal basis.
You have portability right to your data, so you may ask us to receive the data you have provided us in a readable form or ask us to transmit it on to another processor.
You have the right to restrict processing, so you may ask us to limit the processing of your data for as long as the processing of your objections is pending.
You have the right to object and revoke consent to the processing of your data, so you may object to the processing of your data and we shall stop processing your data unless there are other compelling and legitimate reasons prevailing over your right. If you have provided your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data, you may revoke your consent at any time with future effect.
You have the right to choose not to receive Marketing Communications.
It is noted that in the event that we rely on our legitimate interest and process your personal data, you may ask us to stop for reasons related to your personal condition. We must then do so if we do not believe we have a legitimate reason to continue processing your personal information.
To exercise your rights, you may submit a request to us by sending an email to our email address info@dermachroniaris.gr entitled "Exercise of Right" and we will make sure to assess it and respond to you the soonest possible.
You have the right to file a complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (postal address 1-3 Kifissias street, PC 115 23, Athens, tel. 210. 6475600), if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the applicable national and regulatory framework - law on personal data protection.

Disclosure of information to third parties

Our company, in order to be able to provide the best possible quality of services to the consumer, uses Skroutz Analytics service. In particular, Skroutz Analytics is a service for extracting statistics on the performance of stores participating in Skroutz. At the transition of a Skroutz user to a partner store having Skroutz Analytics service enabled, a cookie is created. Based on this cookie, Skroutz Analytics decides whether to pass to Skroutz browser information on the user’s session in that store. This cookie is deactivated after 30 days, in accordance with the commonly accepted sales acquisition practices. When you visit a website that uses analytics tools (Skroutz Analytics), your web browser automatically sends some information to Skroutz. This information is divided into logs and browsing data.
Browsing data recorded contains the transition from Skroutz to a partner store, the visits to webpages of the partner store, the purchase of specific products. For the above, a user ID is recorded (session) from which, however, no user can be identified. If a purchase is made on a partner website, an anonymous purchase is recorded. The purchase details contain the products purchased and the cost of the purchase made, while the user who made the purchase is not recorded.
Logging details is information recorded for a short period of time so that various checks can be made regarding the quality operation of the service, such as the IP address of the user and data related to the respective device (such as the version of the operating system and the version of the browser program).
The data generated by Skroutz Analytics is anonymous and aggregated. This means that there is no information in them that can be matched to a recognizable user.
The data revolves around the markets of each product. In particular, analysis is produced that capture sales statistics based on the store, the product, and the respective category.
In order not to participate in the export of anonymous statistics through Skroutz Analytics, all you have to do is set your privacy policy from the respective website contained on the Skroutz website.
Our company uses also bestprice analytics, a service recording and processing personal data in such a way that it is not possible to identify or reveal the person to whom they relate (in an anonymous or pseudonymized form) for the purposes of the "360 Analytics" service. For the provision of statistics within the service "360 Analytics" user actions related to online orders in each store that has activated the service (such as products, sales value, etc.) are recorded and processed according to the specifications of technical implementation. The personal data of the store's customers are not transmitted or disclosed to third party companies and the "360 Analytics" service is governed by the legislation on personal data protection.
Our company, in order to be able to provide the best possible quality of services to the consumer, uses the Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics services, which you may accept or reject when you enter the website. As regards Facebook Pixel cookies we refer you to the privacy policy of Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies) and Google Analytics to the privacy policy of Google (https://policies.google.com/technologies / types? hl = el)


Disclosure of information to third parties

Cookies are small pieces of information (files), in the form of plain text, that are stored on your computer (or other devices with Internet access, such as a smartphone or tablet) when you visit various web pages. Cookies do not contain personal information which may allow a third party to access your computer files, or to communicate with you. They do not store contact information, email addresses or phone numbers. Instead they may contain information such as the websites visited by the User. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer, nor to the files stored on it. They are completely harmless. The technology of cookies helps us to provide material that suits the interests of the User. Without them, your personal preferences would be impossible to store and every time you visit a website, it would be like entering for the first time. Cookies also help us see the performance and traffic of our website. Our website, like any other website, uses cookies for its operation.

What if you do not want cookies?

If you do not want cookies, you can set your computer to alert you whenever a cookie is sent to it, or to disable the download of all cookies through your web browser (Check the Help menu » use to learn how to change or update cookie settings correctly). You can delete all cookies already on your computer, as well as set your browser to prevent the installation of cookies. Rejecting Cookies may affect your ability to use any of the products and services on our website.

Profile / User Account

On our website you create a User account, and you may see the available settings on your account page: https://www.dermachroniaris.gr/my-account/


By accessing our website, you accept this Privacy Policy and its general terms of use. Parents of children under the age of 16 are required to provide their consent for any information processing of their children.

I have read and accept the privacy policy. *

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